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Iridology research began in 1670, when Dr. Philippus Meyens published a paper describing the eyes of his patients when they became sick or injured.

IRIDOLOGY is an alternative medicine technique that examined the patterns, colors, and other characteristics of the iris to determine information about a person's systemic HEALTH.

The body has its own healing wisdom, given the opportunity. Iridology offers a simple economical way to learn to care for your body.

The fundamental goal of Iridology is the prevention of serious degenerative processes by integrating nutritional support through supplementation. 

Some of the benefits of Iridology are:

• Overall health awareness
• Understanding how the organs interact
• Knowing which organs are under or overactive
• Becoming familiar with the body’s overall chemistry
• Knowing the conditions of the nervous, digestive, elimination, lymphatic and structural systems of the body.

We personally would like to emphasis the importance of knowing the condition of your body system in order for you to PREVENT disease from becoming part of your life, where it may rob you away from the life you have envision for yourself. 

You can start now. It is never too late. Know the condition of your body. Do not let the fear of knowing stop you from leading a healthy life. Knowledge is POWER. Knowing your body condition, is the KEY for a better FUTURE.