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You may return the product(s) to Organotrix with proof of purchase (receipt), unopened, unused and in their original packaging within 7 working days of receipt of delivery but we reserve the right to charge any costs incurred in relation to the amended or cancelled order but this shall not be more than 50% of the price of the ordered products.

Before you return the item(s), please mail us at with the reason and we will contact you via email to request you to deliver us the products. Please send the item(s) back to us in its original packaging. All item(s) must be returned in their original condition and courier the item(s) to us using POSLAJU at your own cost to our address. You shall ensure to pack them correctly so that they are not lost or damaged in transit. The risk in the products will remain your responsibility. Products returned to us shall be subject to inspection (and if necessary remedial work) before any credit or refund for the returned products is issued or given. We will then contact you on your bank account details for the refund of the money which usually will take 7 working days from the date we receive your bank account details.

Where you seek to return the products to us without complying with all or any of our requirements set out above we shall be under no obligation to receive them or make any refund or give any credit to you but may do so at our absolute discretion and our decision on the matter shall be final between the parties.